Hey amateur nature photographers! Do you have a fun or interesting photo of an animal home? It could be anything from a bird's nest you snapped in your own backyard to a fort that you built for your favorite pet. Submit your photos here! A select few will be shared with NATURE's 250,000+ Facebook fans.

Sandra Rudd


This photo of a deer sleeping peacefully in my backyard was taken from my deck. I call them “frenemies” because if I didn’t intervene, my backyard would become a favorite bed & breakfast for all the neighborhood deer (and their are quite a few)! However, although they are beautiful to look at, I don’t like it when they eat my plants. I try to spray with repellents like Bob-ex, but that only works when the weather is dry which has only limited use in the wet climate of the Puget Sound area. So I am slowly replacing favored plants with those they don’t like & trying to adopt a “live & let live” policy :)