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Lion Tamarin Family vs. Harpy Eagle


A monkey-eating Harpy Eagle, 15 times the weight of a Lion Tamarin, circles a tamarin family. With nightfall fast approaching, the family can’t turn back…they must find a way to cross an open road to escape.


- [Narrator] Here they are more exposed to aerial threats.

A monkey-eating Harpy eagle, 15 times the weight of a lion tamarin.

(wings swooshing) (eagle screeches) With nightfall fast approaching, the family can't turn back.

They must find a way to cross the open road.

The gap here is 30 feet wide, too far to jump.

(engine revs) And they aren't the only ones stuck here.

A sloth.

This overhanging tree could be the family's only way over.

An aerial attack can come from anywhere.

Mom goes first.

16 feet in a single bound.

(leaves rustling) (monkeys chirping) The rest of the family must follow.

(leaves rustling) Five have made it.

Two to go.

(wings swooshing) (wings swooshing) The eagle's caught something.

(wings swooshing) It's a sloth.

All the family are accounted for.

(leaves rustling)


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