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Urban Foxes Battle Over Territory


There are 10,000 foxes living in London, so rivalries aren’t uncommon. However, city foxes often learn how to get along, so they can all eke out a living in the same neighborhood.


- [Narrator] City streets are regularly cleaned, so urban foxes urinate more than their country-dwelling cousins to mark their home turf.

But Vince and Bitey's elaborate sign-posting hasn't gone unnoticed by another fox.

(fox barks) A new vixen has arrived, and she wants this territory too.

Foxes avoid physical confrontation where possible, but she has other ways to show the pups whose boss.

She postures and scent marks around Bitey to display dominance.

But Bitey's not backing down.

(Bitey growls) It's time for the ultimate test of strength: (fox bugles) (foxes yip) the foxtrot.

(foxes yip) They size each other up, opening their mouths to intimidate their opponent.

(foxes yip) Bitey has stood her ground, but this new vixen isn't deterred.

She spots Vince.

These shows of strength will determine the pecking order around here.

(foxes yip and chirp) Vince and Bitey may have held onto their turf, but the new vixen has proved she's strong enough to stay here too.

There are 10,000 foxes living in London, so encounters like these will be a regular part of life for the youngsters.

But city foxes often learn how to get along, so they can all eke out a living in the same neighborhood.


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